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One Sample T-test for Significance Testing

One sample t-test is a type of t-test that is used in machine learning for hypothesis testing. This article covers one sample t-test with examples and how we can implement this in Python.

What is one Sample t-test?

One Sample t-test is a statistical t-test to determine whether a variable mean from a sample population is statistically different from a fixed number or hypothetical population mean.
this image shows the example representation of one-sample t-test

Application Examples

  • Determine if the mean weight of the sample population is statistically different from a fixed value.
  • A plastic part manufacturer can use a t-test to determine if the mean product weight is 15 grams.

Prior Conditions for one Sample t-test

Following are the prior conditions for one sample t-test. We need to verify data for these points to implement one-sample t-test.

  • The population standard deviation is not known.
  • Sample Size is small (Approx. 30 samples)
  • Data Instances are independent.
  • Continuous data.
  • The population is normally distributed.
  • Sample is picked randomly from the population.

Calculation Formula for One Sample T-Test

T-test uses t distribution instead of normal distributions. The t-distribution curve has a degree of freedom equal to n-1.
This image shows calculation Formula for One Sample t-test

Application example for one sample t-test

Here is the list of steps to calculate the t-value and evaluate results for significance testing.

While John was working with a plastic part manufacturer, his manager came to you with the following problem.

Manager: John, is there any way to make sure the mean part weight for XYZ is 15 grams without measuring every part?

John: Yes, we can do a hypothesis test to ensure XYZ part weight is 15 grams with a 95% confidence level.

Manage: Please proceed with this and let me know the results ASAP.

John: I will collect data from production and will show you the results.

Problem Statement: We want to ensure that the manufactured part’s mean weight is 15 grams with a 95% confidence level.

Python code to implement One-sample t-test

We will implement the one-sample t-test on sample data using manual calculations and the Python SciPy Library.

Prepare for input data according to problem Statement

# Import important Library
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Get the sample Weight data
sample_weight = [15, 15.01, 15.1, 14.9, 14.95, 15, 15.15, 15.01, 15, 14.8, 14.9, 15.12, 14.95, 15, 14.95]

Define Null and Alternate Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis: The mean weight of the part is equal to 15 grams.
Alternative Hypothesis: The mean weight of the part is not equal to the 15 grams.

# Define Hypothesized population mean
population_mean = 15

# Define the Significance level (alpha)
alpha = 0.05

# Calculate the Degrees of freedom
dof = len(sample_weight) - 1

Python code to calculate the t-value for One Sample t-test

# Import the Required Library
import statistics
import math

# Calculate the sample mean
sample_mean = statistics.mean(sample_weight) 
print("Sample Mean:", sample_mean)

# Calculate the sample standard deviation
sample_std = statistics.stdev(sample_weight)
print("Sample Standard Deviation", sample_std)

Sample Mean: 14.989333333333333 Sample Standard Deviation 0.08979871671582781

# Calculate t-value statistic using one sample t-test formula
calculated_t_value =  (sample_mean - population_mean) / (sample_std / math.sqrt(population_mean))
print("Calculated t-value:", calculated_t_value)
Calculated t-value: -0.4600491395693469
# Calculate Critical t-value: We can use t-table as well.
critical_t_value = stats.t.ppf(1 - alpha / 2, df=dof) 
print("Critical T-Value:", critical_t_value)

Critical T-Value: 2.1447866879169273

# Results Interpretation
if abs(calculated_t_value) > critical_t_value:
    print("Reject the null hypothesis.")
    print("Fail to reject the null hypothesis.")

Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Python code using SciPy Library to calculate the t-value

# Import SciPy Library
from scipy import stats

# Calculate t-value and p-value for One sample t test
t_value, p_value = stats.ttest_1samp(sample_weight, population_mean)

# Print the results
print("T-Value:", t_value)
print("P-Value:", p_value)

T-Value: -0.4600491395693468 P-Value: 0.6525446094245332

# Result Interpretation by comparing p_value and significance level
if abs(p_value) < alpha:
    print("Reject the null hypothesis.")
    print("Fail to reject the null hypothesis.")

Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Now you go to your boss to show him the results.

Manage: John, have you got the results?

John: Yes, the results are in our favor. We failed to reject the null hypothesis. With a 95% confidence level, we can say the part weight is 15 grams.

Manager: Good, what variation we can expect in this part weight?

John: For this, we need a Confidence Interval. (You can read more about Confidence Interval Here)

Manager: Please present these results as well.

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